IRS Criminal Investigation

The March 22 deadline for applying to the IRS Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP) to repay improperly claimed Employee Retention Credits (ERC) at a discount is just around the corner.  The

Continue Reading March 22 ERC Voluntary Disclosure Deadline Rapidly Approaching

There are several new developments in the Internal Revenue Service’s ongoing campaign to combat false and fraudulent Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims.

They include an indefinite extension of the agency’s

Continue Reading IRS and Congress Expand Efforts to Address ERC Fraud

The IRS has announced a new Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP) offering businesses a limited-time opportunity to repay improperly claimed Employee Retention Credits at a discount while avoiding penalties and interest. The VDP requires businesses to repay only 80% of the improper credits they received and has an application deadline of March 22, 2024.
Continue Reading New IRS Voluntary Disclosure Program Lets Businesses Repay Questionable Employee Retention Credits at a Discount

The IRS recently announced that it will offer certain employers an opportunity to withdraw Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims if they are concerned about their accuracy. Qualifying employers may be

Continue Reading Amid Fraud Investigations, IRS Offers Employers an Opportunity to Withdraw Inaccurate Employee Retention Credit Claims

The White House released a statement on February 8, 2018 that President Trump nominated Charles Rettig as the new Commissioner of Internal Revenue Code for the remainder of a five
Continue Reading Charles Rettig – From Private Practice to President Trump’s Nominee for IRS Commissioner

2000px-Seal_of_the_United_States_Department_of_Justice_svgOriginally published by the International Enforcement Law Reporter (Feb. 10, 2017)

By Matthew D. Lee[1]

On December 29, 2016, the Justice Department’s Tax Division announced that it had reached
Continue Reading DOJ Announces Final Resolutions Under Its Groundbreaking Swiss Bank Program As Program Enters “Legacy” Phase